Volunteers for SAL
Posted over 3 years ago by Amanda Peacock
SAL is offering Safe Distance Mobile Unit patient screenings. US Mobile provides the unit & equipment, collects the data and secures our locations. On Saturday, April 17 we will be at Life Point Christian Church from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm providing free screenings for 15 minute intervals with patients who show up.
Dr. Bell is looking for providers to assist by volunteering to work the patient screening event.
Patients deemed Medically Necessary by the providers will be given a referral if appropriate. No patient will be referred to a specific provider or center. It will be up to the patient's discretion as well as coverage and geography as to where they choose to follow up.
Volunteers are needed for the screening event.
Just like-minded, passionate providers/NP’s/PA’s who are willing to donate Saturday time and it does not have to be all day as we can stagger the schedule based on the number of volunteers available.
Below is the website for the church:
Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering.
Carol Barry
National Accounts Manager
Telephone: (904) 434-7012
Email: CBarry@Organo.com